Is your property sustainable?

Check the sustainability of your property in just a few clicks and calculate the costs of any energy-related renovations.

Check the energy efficiency and determine the savings potential of your property

With the Baloise Eco Home energy calculator, you can check your current energy efficiency class and simulate the effects of energy efficiency measures on the total energy consumption, heating costs and CO2 emissions of your property.

Check for free now

Determine the solar potential of your roof

Based on the location of your property, our solar calculator can already estimate whether one or more roof areas are suitable for a photovoltaic system. The suitability for a photovoltaic system is basically determined by the solar radiation, roof orientation, pitch, shading and size of the roof.

Determine solar potential now

Compare the sustainability of heating systems

Compare the sustainability of heating systemsBaloise Eco Home gives you an assessment of which heating system is best suited to your property. You get an overview of the important factors of cost, service life and environmental compatibility.Compare heating systems now.

Compare heating systems now

Renovation planning and cost estimates

Regular maintenance and renovation of building components such as kitchens, bathrooms and roofs are essential to maintain the value of a property and avoid disproportionately high costs due to ill-considered renovations. The Baloise Eco Home renovation calculator supports you in analyzing the condition of the building components, calculates renovation costs and times and offers a clear presentation for optimizing costs and increasing the value of the property.

Plan on time now