Do you want to replace an old staircase or set strong accents with a new railing? We have researched how much that costs approximately.
With a terrace roof, a pergola, a garden pavilion or a sun awning you make more out of your garden. How much will it cost you?
Do you own an older home and want to improve energy efficiency with little effort? New windows have a savings potential of 5 to 10 percent.
When we heat, the air in many indoor spaces is too dry. This is detrimental to our health and well-being. What can you do about it?
Mistakes on construction sites can be expensive. Who is to blame, who is liable and how can you protect yourself from claims for damages or liability?
Many houses, mainly older ones, lose a lot of heat because they are poorly or not insulated at all. How can you avoid this and save a lot of money?