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The right craftsmen for your house facade

The right craftsmen for your house facade

Facades protect a house from rain, sun and wind. Because they are exposed to wind and weather, a facade renovation is due after 30 to 50 years. For example, because the plaster is peeling, cracks are forming or the paint has faded. Another reason for a facade renovation is the energy efficiency: With insulation, you can reduce your annual energy costs by about one fifth. Facades are complex and should be handled by professionals. Carpenters are responsible for wooden facades, painters and plasterers for plaster and paint.

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Renovate, paint or plaster the facade

A broken facade should be repaired as soon as possible, because otherwise water can penetrate and cause costly damage. For example, if the water freezes in the walls and cracks appear. Mineral plasters and paints are useful for the renovation of the facade. They cost a little more, but do not stain as quickly as plastic-based plasters or paints. Planning is also important: the best time for facade work is spring to fall. For good planning, you can already get the quotes for next year in winter.

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Renovate, paint or plaster the facade
Insulate facades

Insulate facades

Before you have the facade painted or plastered, you should consider whether it would make sense to insulate the facade at the same time. For one thing, you would only have to have the scaffolding erected once, and for another, the investment will pay for itself quickly thanks to the heating costs saved. You can choose between exterior insulation, interior insulation and core insulation. If you insulate the house facade, you should also replace old, uninsulated or poorly insulated windows, otherwise the precious heating heat escapes through the windows.

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Costs for a facade renovation

If the facade is repainted, the repainting costs 60 to 100 francs per hour, depending on the region. For 100 square meters of facade, you should expect to pay 3,500 to 5,000 francs for facade cleaning, painting and additional costs. If moisture penetrates the facade, it must be deep primed, which costs an additional 600 to 800 francs for 100 square meters. For facade insulation, you should expect to pay about 300 francs per square meter for 14-centimeter insulation, about 330 francs for 18 to 24-centimeter insulation, and about 400 francs for 30-centimeter insulation. You can learn more in the article "Insulating the Facade: Costs for a Facade Renovation".

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Costs for a facade renovation

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How do I choose the right craftsman?

How much does it cost to repaint the facade?
How much does facade insulation cost?
Is facade insulation subsidized?
How does Houzy find the best craftsmen in my region?
How does Houzy guarantee the quality of the craftsmen in my region?
How do I decide on the best craftsman for my project?
How much does Houzy earn on my craftsman order?

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