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Balcony builders are experts in balconies

Balcony builders are experts in balconies

A balcony enlarges the living space, increases the living comfort and improves the quality of life. In addition to your house and property, your preferences determine the orientation: to the east, if you want to have breakfast outside, to the south, if you prefer to enjoy the sun from morning until late afternoon, or to the west, if you want to sit outside and relax after work. Balconies facing north are always in the shade and therefore are not very popular.

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Your satisfaction is our top priority! If an order is not completed to your satisfaction, the request will be reviewed by us.

Stacked balconies and free-standing balconies

Stacked balconies and free-standing balconies are simple constructions and comparatively inexpensive. The stacked balcony stands on two or four supports and is additionally attached to the house facade. The supports and the facade bear the weight. The free-standing balcony also stands on two or four supports, but is only attached to the house facade with sliding wall anchors and places less load on it. The free-standing balcony is mainly suitable for houses for which other balconies are out of the question for structural reasons.

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Stacked balconies and free-standing balconies
Cantilevered balconies and hung balconies

Cantilevered balconies and hung balconies

Cantilevered balconies and hung balconies do not need supports and are anchored with steel brackets in the house facade and floor slab or steel cables in the facade. Therefore, they are less disruptive to the image of the house, but make higher demands on the statics than other balconies and cost more. Both variants are suitable for balconies up to 1.70 meters deep. The cantilevered balcony is widely used and is best suited for properties on slopes or for floors that are uneven or damp.

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How much does a new balcony cost?

Depending on the balcony variant, estimate the cost of materials per square meter from 800 to 2,400 Swiss francs. Add to this 500 to 750 Swiss francs for the calculation of the statics, 70 to 105 Swiss francs an hour for the work, and the labor and material costs for the balcony railing and the balcony door. As a rough estimate, expect to pay 25,000 Swiss francs for an eight-square-meter balcony. This is the cheapest balcony option. A hung balcony costs about twice as much. You can learn more in the article "Balcony Extension: Costs, Variants and Permits".

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How much does a new balcony cost?

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How do I choose the right craftsman?

How much does a stacked balcony cost?
How much does a cantilevered balcony cost?
How much does a hung balcony cost?
How much does a free-standing balcony cost?
How much does a partially free-standing balcony cost?
Do I need a building permit for a balcony?
How does Houzy find the best craftsmen in my region?
How does Houzy guarantee the quality of the craftsmen in my region?
How do I decide on the best craftsman for my project?
How much does Houzy earn on my craftsman order?

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