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Gardeners and pool builders are experts in swimming pools

Gardeners and pool builders are experts in swimming pools

Summers are getting longer and warmer. Lucky who has a swimming pool in the garden and can cool off in between. If you have space, a pool would be worth considering if you like to swim or your children want to splash around with friends. You will need a building permit for this. The best thing to do is to talk to a pool builder or gardener in your area who knows the local laws, will give you competent advice and will professionally install (in the ground) or mount (on the ground) the swimming pool.

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Swimming pool in the ground or on the ground?

You can choose between a traditional in-ground swimming pool, a permanently mounted pool on the ground or a practical pop-up pool. In-ground pools are available with stainless steel pools, one-piece pools or plastic pools with pre-assembled connections and pumps, element pools made of plastic and exposed concrete pools. In-ground pools are produced from double-walled and foiled steel walls, covered with pressure-impregnated wood or plastic and mounted directly on the level garden floor.

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Swimming pool in the ground or on the ground?
Location, size, accessories and water quality

Location, size, accessories and water quality

It is best to orient the swimming pool to the southeast, so the sun will heat the water in the morning. Avoid proximity to trees, otherwise you will have to regularly fish out leaves and needles or cover the pool. If you want to do some swimming, the pool should be at least 6 meters long - and 4 meters wide, in case swimmers cross. Filter and control system are the heart of the pool technology and important for the water quality, which you should check every week.

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Cost of a swimming pool in the garden

An 8-meter-long, 4-meter-wide and 1.50-meter-deep pool costs 35,000 Swiss francs (plastic) to 60,000 Swiss francs (concrete or stainless steel) or more plus 15,000 Swiss francs for an electrical cover and the cost of excavating and connecting the water and electricity lines. Operating costs consist of maintenance (600 to 1,200 Swiss francs) and energy costs. If you use the pool year-round, a solar power system for heating would be worth considering. You can learn more in our article "How much does a swimming pool in the garden cost?".

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Cost of a swimming pool in the garden

Quality & regionality with our certified craftsmen

How do I choose the right craftsman?

What kind of swimming pool fits in my garden?
How big should a swimming pool in the garden be?
Do I need a building permit for a swimming pool?
How much does a swimming pool in the ground cost?
How much does a swimming pool on the ground cost?
How does Houzy find the best craftsmen in my region?
How does Houzy guarantee the quality of the craftsmen in my region?
How do I decide on the best craftsman for my project?
How much does Houzy earn on my craftsman order?

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