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Masons are experts in walls

Masons are experts in walls

Do you want to turn your old kitchen into a spacious eat-in kitchen or protect your garden seating area from the gaze of curious neighbors? Masons, for example, tear down floors, ceilings or non-load-bearing walls and enlarge your kitchen or build a stone wall as a privacy screen in your garden. They take on smaller jobs in the house such as plastering walls or in the garden such as replacing flagstone paths and larger tasks in comprehensive extension, renovation or conversion projects.

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Masonry work in the house and on the house

One wall more or less can change the character of a house or apartment. For example, you can have a wall knocked down to enlarge your bathroom, kitchen or living room, or divide a large bedroom into a children's room and a home office with a simple lightweight wall or drywall. Masons also insulate and plaster facades on the house, plaster walls in the house and also undertake concrete work.

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Masonry work in the house and on the house
Masonry work in the garden

Masonry work in the garden

Masons also undertake garden design work. For example, they build garden walls of solid, hollow or natural stone and walkways of natural stone slabs or concrete slabs, terrace and support sloping gardens with retaining walls, repair entire walls or paths and replace individual stones or slabs. For concrete foundations and concrete walls, they prepare the forms and pour the foundations, buttresses or walls by hand or with machines.

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Costs for a professional mason

A mason in Switzerland costs 70 to 90 CHF per hour. The cost depends on the size or area, cost of labor and cost of materials. For example, you can plaster a wall with standard plaster (10 to 15 CHF per square meter) or special plaster (15 to 25 CHF per square meter). Putting in a partition wall (up to 12.5 centimeters thick) costs 20 to 25 CHF per square meter, and for a concrete wall in the garden you should calculate with plus/minus 500 CHF per square meter. You can learn more in the article "Costs for Masons and Masonry Work in the House, on the House and in the Garden".

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Costs for a professional mason

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How do I choose the right craftsman?

How much does a mason cost in Switzerland?
How much does a partition wall cost in the house?
How much does a load-bearing wall cost?
How much does plastering cost?
How much does a concrete wall in the garden cost?
How does Houzy find the best craftsmen in my region?
How does Houzy guarantee the quality of the craftsmen in my region?
How do I decide on the best craftsman for my project?
How much does Houzy earn on my craftsman order?

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