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The right craftsmen for your e-charging station

The right craftsmen for your e-charging station

Do you drive an electric car or are you thinking about buying one soon? Then you've probably already thought about an electric charging station or wallbox. Although you can also charge your vehicle away from home, it is easier, more convenient and cheaper in the long run to do so at home. Especially if you charge the car with self-produced solar power. E-charging stations are available with one connection or two connections. For installation, it's best to hire certified e-mobility experts.

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E-charging station or wallbox?

The terms e-charging station and wallbox are used as synonyms. In principle, you could charge your car via a household socket. But you shouldn't, because it takes forever and the wires and junctions in the junction boxes can heat up and catch fire under full charging power. An e-charging station or wallbox is safer because the electrician will match it to the charging power of the home's electrical installation and adjust the electrical installation if necessary. In addition, you can connect the car easier and the car charges faster.

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E-charging station or wallbox?
Charging power, charging plug and additional functions

Charging power, charging plug and additional functions

The charging power depends on the charger, charger station and charger cable. The weakest component determines the total power. To be prepared for the future, you should gear your e-charging station to 22 kW. The standard connection for normal charging with alternating current in Europe is three-phase type 2 charging plugs. A wallbox with a Type 2 socket is also compatible with Mode 3 charging cables. You can expand charging stations with additional functions and connect them to your photovoltaic system, for example.

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How much does an e-charging station cost?

Installing a charging station is a job for professionals. Especially if the electrician has to break through a wall, for example, or dig a cable duct in the ground and re-route the cables. The price depends heavily on the power lengths of the cable connection. Calculate 5,000 to 6,000 Swiss francs for a wallbox with a future-proof 22 kW for two cars in an attached carport, if the connection is 20 meters away from the fuse box. For this, cables, accessories and labor are included.

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How much does an e-charging station cost?

Quality & regionality with our certified craftsmen

How do I choose the right craftsman?

How much does an e-mobility expert cost in Switzerland?
How much does an e-charging station cost without installation?
How much does an e-charging station for an electric car cost?
How much does an e-charging station for two electric cars cost?
Are there subsidies for e-charging stations?
How does Houzy find the best craftsmen in my region?
How does Houzy guarantee the quality of the craftsmen in my region?
How do I decide on the best craftsman for my project?
How much does Houzy earn on my craftsman order?

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