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Gardeners are specialists in horticulture and garden maintenance

Gardeners are specialists in horticulture and garden maintenance

Many homeowners with a garden love gardening. That's because physical work is relaxing, vegetables from their own garden taste better, and flowers they've planted themselves bring greater joy. Nevertheless, gardeners are a valuable support if you have (too) little time and/or your thumb is not green enough. Gardeners know everything about tree, garden and lawn care and pest control, build foundations, walls or ponds and design gardens with light, natural stone or water.

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Garden planning, horticulture and garden design

Gardeners design and plan gardens. They sow lawns, plant trees, woody plants, hedges, plants or shrubs and create flowerbeds or vegetable beds. Horticulture also includes garden design with light, water or natural stone. Atmospheric light sets accents, water in fountains or ponds calms and refreshes, natural stone shapes surfaces. For example, a fireplace, a garden seating area, a walkway made of non-slip and sure-footed stone slabs or a paved driveway.

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Garden planning, horticulture and garden design
Garden maintenance: individual assignment or subscription

Garden maintenance: individual assignment or subscription

A garden gives a lot to do. For example, moss the lawn, aerate, fertilize and mow, trim hedges, control pests and weed mushrooms or weeds. Everyday gardening tasks take a lot of time. A gardener performs such tasks as a single assignment or by subscription. They also perform tasks for which many recreational gardeners lack the knowledge and/or equipment. For example, pruning trees, cutting down diseased trees, combating invasive plants, or digging up root systems.

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Costs for a professional gardener

Expect to pay about 120 Swiss francs an hour for a garden designer and 80 to 100 Swiss francs an hour for a gardener. The cost depends on the size of the garden, the plants and the work. Expect to pay 25 to 35 centimes/m2 for lawn mowing, 1 to 1.10 Swiss francs/m2 for lawn mowing and dethatching, or 2 to 4 Swiss francs/m2 for weeding. Prices for hedge trimming range from 1 Swiss franc/m for simple trimming to 50 Swiss francs/m for heavy trimming (down to the cane). You can learn more in the article "Gardening: Costs and Prices in Switzerland".

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Costs for a professional gardener

Quality & regionality with our certified craftsmen

How do I choose the right craftsman?

How much does a gardener in Switzerland cost?
How much does mowing the lawn cost?
How much does hedge trimming cost?
How much does tree care cost?
Is it worth contracting a gardener?
How does Houzy find the best craftsmen in my region?
How does Houzy guarantee the quality of the craftsmen in my region?
How do I decide on the best craftsman for my project?
How much does Houzy earn on my craftsman order?

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