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We only work with a maximum of 3 companies per region who have convinced us with their work and who offer fair value for money.


Houzy supports regional craftsmen, so we only recommend businesses near you. Moreover, you save money thanks to shorter travel times.


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Solar installers are experts in photovoltaics and solar thermal energy

Solar installers are experts in photovoltaics and solar thermal energy

Solar installers support you in all aspects of solar energy and photovoltaic systems. From consulting to project planning, installation, commissioning and maintenance in the areas of photovoltaics and solar thermal energy, they are the experts. They also assemble and install systems on various surfaces such as roofs, façades and free-standing systems.

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Your satisfaction is our top priority! If an order is not completed to your satisfaction, the request will be reviewed by us.

Solar system with storage

A photovoltaic system reduces your electricity costs in the long term, increases the value of your property and offers access to subsidies. In order to maximise your investment in a photovoltaic system, self-consumption is crucial. The more energy you consume and the less external energy you purchase, the more you save. With a battery storage system, you can increase your self-consumption, reduce your dependence on the external power grid and significantly lower your electricity costs.

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Solar system with storage
Is a solar system profitable?

Is a solar system profitable?

From an ecological point of view, the answer to this question is always "yes". From an economic point of view, the answer depends on the acquisition and operating costs, subsidies, local electricity prices, the local feed-in tariff and self-consumption. Photovoltaic systems combined with a high level of self-consumption often pay for themselves after 15 to 20 years. The solar calculator from Houzy calculates the amortisation period and shows you neutrally whether the investment is worth it. Of course, every case is different, so we recommend obtaining non-binding offers from different regional solar installers.

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Costs for a solar system

An average detached house consumes 4,000 to 5,000 kilowatt hours of electricity per year. A photovoltaic system would have to generate 8 to 10 kilowatt peak for this electricity consumption. Such systems cost around CHF 20,000 for modules, controls, inverters and installation. In return, you receive a one-off subsidy of 4,000 to 5,000 francs as a return on your investment and save on taxes. These are only approximate values. Check out our article "Planning a Solar System: 7 Steps to a Photovoltaic System" to find out more.

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Costs for a solar system

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How does Houzy guarantee the quality of the craftsmen in my region?
How do I decide on the best craftsman for my project?
How much does Houzy earn on my craftsman order?

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