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Painters and plasterers are experts in mold removal

Painters and plasterers are experts in mold removal

Every 4th or 5th household struggles with mold infestation. The culprits are building defects or residents who ventilate incorrectly. From 70 percent humidity, mold spores feel right at home and multiply unchecked. This is bad for the building fabric and health. Mold can lead to respiratory and visual problems, burning eyes, concentration and sleep disorders, headaches or inflammation of the mucous membranes. Little mold you can remove yourself, more you should let professionals remove.

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Removing mold: what you can do yourself

Mold infestation is divided into three grades: 0, 1 or 2. Grade 0 means that the infestation or discoloration is only superficial and smaller than a hand (10 by 10 centimeters). You can remove this infestation yourself. Put on rubber gloves and remove the mold with water, a cleaner or mold remover, or Javel water. For smaller areas, high-proof alcohol is usually sufficient. Be careful not to damage the surfaces.

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Removing mold: what you can do yourself
Removing mold: what you should leave to professionals

Removing mold: what you should leave to professionals

If the mold infestation is larger and/or higher than grade 0, you should definitely hire a painter or plasterer for professional mold removal. First, mold experts analyze the infestation and measure, for example, the moisture in the masonry and the heat of the walls to effectively combat the fungus and prevent its return. Then remove all fungal spores (mold removal) and in more severe cases fight the spore formation (mold sanitation) permanently.

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Costs of mold removal or mold sanitation

The cost depends on how severe the infestation and how large the affected area is. A simple mold removal costs from 1,000 Swiss francs, a complex mold removal with mold sanitation costs several thousand of Swiss francs. In addition to the cost of the assessment, there is the cost of masking material and chemicals, as well as labor costs for chemical cleaning or mechanical cleaning. In addition, the walls usually have to be repainted or plastered and, if necessary, the floors have to be relaid.

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Costs of mold removal or mold sanitation

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How do I choose the right craftsman?

How can I prevent mold?
Can I remove mold myself?
How much does a mold report cost?
How much does mold removal cost?
How much does mold remediation cost?
How does Houzy find the best craftsmen in my region?
How does Houzy guarantee the quality of the craftsmen in my region?
How do I decide on the best craftsman for my project?
How much does Houzy earn on my craftsman order?

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