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Certified sauna builders are experts in saunas

Certified sauna builders are experts in saunas

Regular sauna sessions relax, stimulate the immune system, rev up the metabolism and strengthen the body's defenses. More and more Swiss people sweat in a sauna at home, because since Corona they no longer want to sauna with strangers. You can build your sauna yourself or have it installed by a professional. A sauna builder installs the sauna professionally and connects the electric heater to the power supply or has the wood stove officially approved by a master chimney sweep.

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Finnish sauna, steam sauna or infrared sauna?

In a Finnish sauna, it is about 90 degrees hot and very dry (10 to 20 percent humidity). In a steam sauna, it is less hot (45 to 65 degrees) and dry (about 45 percent). In a sanarium, the temperature and humidity are in between. Finnish sauna and steam sauna are heated with wood or electricity. Unlike the infrared cabin, where infrared rays heat the skin instead of air. The temperature is between 35 and 50 degrees, humidity is low.

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Finnish sauna, steam sauna or infrared sauna?
Saunas for indoor and outdoor use

Saunas for indoor and outdoor use

You can install a sauna where you have enough space and a power connection nearby. For example, in the basement or attic. It is important that the room is well ventilated because of the humidity. If you are short of space indoors, you can install the sauna in a garden shed or tool shed. More and more popular is the barrel sauna in the garden. Private saunas are on average 2 by 2.20 meters and can accommodate four people sitting or two lying down.

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How much does a home sauna cost?

Simple saunas cost from 1,500 Swiss francs online or in DIY stores, without the sauna stove, floor grate, light and heat-storing diabase stones for the stove. A better DIY sauna costs up to 7,500 Swiss francs including sauna technology. For a sauna from a sauna builder, you have to reckon with up to 20,000 Swiss francs. But it lasts longer and saves operating costs, because first-class wood insulates better and reduces energy consumption. You can find out more in our article "Sauna at Home: Costs, Materials and Tips".

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How much does a home sauna cost?

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How do I choose the right craftsman?

How much does a good DIY sauna cost?
How does Houzy find the best craftsmen in my region?
How does Houzy guarantee the quality of the craftsmen in my region?
How do I decide on the best craftsman for my project?
How much does Houzy earn on my craftsman order?

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