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Plumbers are experts in building technology

Plumbers are experts in building technology

In the past, a plumber originally took care of plumbing and sanitary installations in bathrooms. For example, laying and maintaining gas or water lines or installing bathtubs, toilets and sinks. Today, more and more plumbers are taking on tasks in heating and air conditioning, or building technology for short, in addition to plumbing tasks. For example, they install bathroom vents, kitchen exhaust solutions or air conditioning systems for a better indoor climate.

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Sanitary installations: From the water pipe to the heating system

Plumbers lay cold and hot water pipes and sewage pipes throughout the house, mainly in the bathroom and kitchen. They also design (new) heating systems or replace old ones, install heating systems and connect them to the hot water supply and boiler. They also maintain and descale boilers, heating systems and pipes, and prevent costly pipe bursts and water damage with regular installation and apartment inspections and pipe tests.

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Sanitary installations: From the water pipe to the heating system
Sanitary installations: From faucets to washing machines

Sanitary installations: From faucets to washing machines

The plumber connects all sanitary appliances and household appliances to the cold and hot water pipes and sewage pipes. For example, a bathtub or shower, fixtures for the bathtub, shower and sink in the bathroom or the sink in the kitchen and the dishwasher in the kitchen or the washing machine in the bathroom. They also design the sanitary equipment from the bathtub or shower tray to the washbasin, more and more often with 3D models, and install them.

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Costs for a professional plumber

For a new bathroom, roughly calculate 2,000 Swiss francs (simple standard), 3,000 Swiss francs (medium standard) or 4,500 Swiss francs (high standard) per square meter. How much plumbing costs depends on the connections, the distribution of interior spaces and the number of vertical installations. For an average single-family home, calculate 10,000 to 15,000 Swiss francs for sewer and 1,600 to 2,400 Swiss francs for plumbing and drains for a standard bathroom.

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