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Kitchen builders are experts in kitchens

Kitchen builders are experts in kitchens

Kitchen builders specialize in kitchen planning, kitchen construction and installation. As a full-service provider, they take over and coordinate many tasks: Advising customers, planning kitchens, taking measurements, building kitchen furniture, disassembling kitchens, disconnecting kitchen appliances from electricity, disposing of old furniture and appliances, installing new furniture and installing kitchen backsplashes. Kitchen appliances must be installed professionally, therefore kitchen builders work together with an electrician or have employed an electrician. They also renovate or repair old kitchens.

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Answer a few questions and describe your kitchen project (new construction, renovation or remodeling).


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Choose the kitchen builder who has convinced you with his offer.



Your satisfaction is our top priority! If an order is not completed to your satisfaction, the request will be reviewed by us.

Kitchen renovation, new kitchen or kitchenette?

A kitchenette unit is ready assembled. The dimensions are fixed, the choice of colors is limited. It is suitable, for example, for a granny apartment or vacation apartment. A fitted kitchen is individual and made to measure. You choose everything - countertop, carcass, cabinets, drawers and base units, and appliances, from ovens to steamers - and customize your kitchen to your style. Upscale kitchens and luxury kitchens are custom built-in kitchens with energy-efficient and resource-saving kitchen appliances.

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Kitchen renovation, new kitchen or kitchenette?
Style and material for kitchen

Style and material for kitchen

The kitchen is no longer just for cooking, as it used to be, but for living. That's why residential kitchens have become larger - and more individual. With the choice of materials, you can completely change the style of your kitchen, from the modern design kitchen made of concrete or steel to the traditional country kitchen made of wood. The kitchen builder will advise you on which materials go together and which ones not only look good, but are also durable and easy to clean. In addition, he will advise you on the choice of appliances for your new dream kitchen.

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Costs for a new kitchen

The cost of a kitchen depends on your needs. The price range is from 5,000 Swiss francs for a simple kitchen without kitchen appliances to 100,000 Swiss francs or more for a professional kitchen with professional appliances. The biggest influence on the price is the appliances and materials. Natural stone such as granite, limestone or quartzite costs more than wood or plastic, energy-efficient appliances are more expensive, but save electricity and therefore money. Then there are extras like steamers, warming drawers or a wine storage cabinet. You can learn more in the article "Kitchen Renovation: How Much Does Your New Kitchen Cost?".

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Costs for a new kitchen

Quality & regionality with our certified craftsmen

How do I choose the right craftsman?

How much does a kitchen builder cost in Switzerland?
How much does a standard kitchen cost in Switzerland?
How much does a mid-range kitchen cost in Switzerland?
How much does a luxury kitchen cost in Switzerland?
What speaks for natural stone in the kitchen?
Repair or replace kitchen appliances?
How does Houzy find the best craftsmen in my region?
How does Houzy guarantee the quality of the craftsmen in my region?
How do I decide on the best craftsman for my project?
How much does Houzy earn on my craftsman order?

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