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Shading experts or blind fitters are specialists in blinds and awnings

Shading experts or blind fitters are specialists in blinds and awnings

Blinds or awnings are practical. They protect people and animals from the sun or UV rays and shade your garden seating area or terrace. They also regulate the temperature on hot days or cool evenings (heat protection), provide more privacy (privacy protection), protect against glaring light (glare protection) and prevent damage to the house from the sun or heat (property protection). Good to know: blinds and awnings are the same, in Switzerland the term blind (Store) is more common, in Germany awning (Markise).

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Sun blinds for terrace, balcony and winter garden

Sun blinds shade balconies, garden seating areas and terraces. They are mounted on the ceiling or wall and operated electrically or manually. The most widespread in Switzerland is the articulated-arm blind with a roller and articulated arms that roll the fabric tightly up and down. Other models include drop-arm blinds and side blinds, which are mainly used for privacy or side sun protection. For winter gardens there are special winter garden blinds that protect against sun and heat.

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Sun blinds for terrace, balcony and winter garden
Blinds and shutters for windows

Blinds and shutters for windows

Shutters are mounted on the outside. Therefore, they protect against prying eyes and heat. Blinds are mounted inside and regulate the incidence of light with adjustable slats. Shutters are made of wood, stainless steel or plastic and are opened and closed electrically, with a belt winder or a crank. Blinds are produced from the same materials. Wood provides warm light in the morning and evening, aluminum is available in many colors and plastic is cheaper than wood and aluminum.

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Costs of blinds, awnings, shutters and blinds

The costs of blinds and awnings depends on the material and effort. Ceiling or wall mounting is easier than ceiling rafter mounting, for example, on sloping wooden beams and facade insulation can make the job more difficult. Expect to pay 2,000 Swiss francs (open), 2,500 Swiss francs (with roof) or 3,000 Swiss francs (with cassette) for a 4-by-2.5-meter articulated-arm sun blind. Shutters are more expensive than blinds. Expect to pay 1,000 to 1,200 Swiss francs for a 1 x 1.5 meter wooden shutter and 300 to 450 Swiss francs for a wooden blind of the same size. You can learn more in the article "Installing Blinds: Costs and Prices for Sun Blinds".

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Costs of blinds, awnings, shutters and blinds

Quality & regionality with our certified craftsmen

How do I choose the right craftsman?

How much does an articulated arm sun blind cost in Switzerland?
How much does a side awning cost in Switzerland?
How much does a semi-automatic blind control cost?
How much does a comfort blind control with sensors cost?
How much does a shutter cost in Switzerland?
How much does a venetian blind cost in Switzerland?
How does Houzy find the best craftsmen in my region?
How does Houzy guarantee the quality of the craftsmen in my region?
How do I decide on the best craftsman for my project?
How much does Houzy earn on my craftsman order?

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