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Garage builders are specialists in garage doors and door operators

Garage builders are specialists in garage doors and door operators

In the garage your car is safe from wind and weather. With a garage door you protect the vehicle and valuable accessories such as tires or roof racks from thieves. That is why you should not save in the wrong place when planning a garage or replacing the old garage door with a new one. Modern garage doors securely close your garage, save space, improve energy efficiency, increase comfort with an electronic door operator and can be supplemented with accessories.

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Tilting door, swing door or sectional door?

The right garage door depends mainly on the space in front of and inside the garage. A swing door needs more space in front of the garage, a tilting door in the garage. Particularly space-saving are sectional doors made of several slats connected by joints. They open vertically or are pushed under the garage ceiling. They offer up to 14 centimeters more passage width than comparable swing doors. That is why they are especially suitable for your garage, if you drive a larger car.

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Tilting door, swing door or sectional door?
Electric door operators and accessories

Electric door operators and accessories

A garage door with door operator is convenient - and practical. When you come home and it's raining or snowing, you stay in the warm car, open the door with the handheld transmitter or smartphone app and get out dry in the garage. That's why an electric door operator is worthwhile. It also makes sense to have a light barrier with automatic switch-off as a child safety device, a bar lock, an emergency release, a window and a wicket door in the garage door or a motion detector with light.

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Costs of a garage door with door operator or without

A tilting door for a single garage is available from 2,000 Swiss francs without an operator or from 3,000 Swiss francs with an operator. Rolling gates, swing doors or sectional doors are more expensive and cost about the same. Expect to pay 4,000 Swiss francs or more for a single garage door (235 x 210 centimeters) or 6,000 Swiss francs or more for a double garage door (500 x 210 centimeters). The prices depend on the material, painting and drive. You can also retrofit the electric drive for about 1,000 Swiss francs. You can learn more in the article "How Much Does a New Garage Cost?".

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Costs of a garage door with door operator or without

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How do I choose the right craftsman?

How much does a garage builder cost in Switzerland?
How much does a garage door for a single garage cost?
How much does a garage door for a double garage cost?
How much does a garage door opener cost for my garage door?
Who disposes of the old garage door?
How does Houzy find the best craftsmen in my region?
How does Houzy guarantee the quality of the craftsmen in my region?
How do I decide on the best craftsman for my project?
How much does Houzy earn on my craftsman order?

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