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Master builders and construction managers are professionals in construction projects

Master builders and construction managers are professionals in construction projects

Construction managers are responsible for construction projects, while master builders run a construction company or share management duties. They negotiate with architects, clients and authorities, offer their services, coordinate the deployment of personnel and machinery, supervise all work, control deadlines and costs and intervene in the event of problems. They also prepare expert reports. If they work for a general contractor, they take over all services except for the architectural services.

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Construction management for new building projects

Master builders handle administrative planning and coordination in new construction projects. As a master builder or general contractor, you work together with an architect who plans the new building. As a total contractor, they provide all services from a single source, including architectural services. They often build larger projects such as apartment buildings with condominiums or single-family housing developments as a general contractor and commit to turnkey delivery to the owners or buyers.

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Construction management for new building projects
Construction management for building projects

Construction management for building projects

During a conversion or (energy-related) refurbishment, various craftsmen work hand in hand. For example, roofers, electricians, window fitters, painters, solar installers or carpenters. In order to optimize the conversion time and thus the conversion costs, their operations must be coordinated. This is done by the master builder, who coordinates the work and the tradesmen - he is the one who pulls all the strings on the construction site.

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Cost of a professional master builder

The master builder is paid by his contractor, and the costs are shown on the invoice. As a rough guide, calculate plus/minus ten percent of the total construction or remodeling costs for the builder. A little more for a new building, a little less for a remodel or renovation. The larger and more complex the construction project, the higher the expense for the builder. Investing in a good builder or remodeling coach is worthwhile because you save time and money as well as nerves. You can learn more in the article "Costs for Master Builders: New Construction, Reconstruction or Renovation".

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Cost of a professional master builder

Quality & regionality with our certified craftsmen

How do I choose the right craftsman?

How much does a master builder in Switzerland cost?
How much does a new building in Switzerland cost?
How much does roof and facade insulation cost?
Is a professional builder worth it?
How does Houzy find the best craftsmen in my region?
How does Houzy guarantee the quality of the craftsmen in my region?
How do I decide on the best craftsman for my project?
How much does Houzy earn on my craftsman order?

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