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Painters are professionals for walls, ceilings and facades

Painters are professionals for walls, ceilings and facades

Painters paint and varnish walls, ceilings or facades, but also floors, windows, doors or other components such as window sills, radiators, wooden plinths or radiators, and wallpaper walls. They also insulate facades and protect walls from moisture and harmful mold spores that attack masonry. Painting walls or ceilings are the most common painting jobs. Painters also plaster walls or repair plaster, for larger works you should hire a mason or plasterer.

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Painting works in the house

With color, you can change a lot with little effort. For example, with a strong green in the kitchen, soothing blue in the bedroom or cheerful yellow in the children's room. You can paint a single wall yourself. Other painting jobs should be left to professionals. For example, if you discover efflorescence on the masonry, moisture damage or open joints, the rooms are high or you want to wallpaper a wall with a pattern or photo wallpaper. In addition, painters protect the floor and furniture with masking film and guarantee their work.

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Painting works in the house
Painting works on the house

Painting works on the house

House facades are exposed to wind and weather day in and day out. Therefore, they should be cleaned regularly and painted, varnished or glazed every 15 to 25 years. If you have not yet renovated your house for energy efficiency, you should have the facade insulated before it is repainted. Window frames or door frames are also constantly exposed to heat, cold, rain and sun and should be freshly painted, varnished or glazed every 6 to 8 years (plastic and metal) or every 10 years (wood).

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Costs for a professional painter

Painters charge 60 to 100 Swiss francs per hour. Most quote their work by floor area and scale their prices by room size. For example, expect to pay 540 Swiss francs for a 10 to 15 square meter room or 680 Swiss francs for a 16 to 20 square meter room if only the walls are to be painted. Painting the walls and ceiling will cost about 1,200 francs for a 20-square-meter room. Primer and a simple coat of paint for the facade cost about 27 Swiss francs per square meter. You can learn more in the article "Painting or Wallpapering a Wall: How Much Does a Painter Cost?".

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Costs for a professional painter

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How do I choose the right craftsman?

How much does it cost to paint a wall in Switzerland?
How much does wallpapering cost in Switzerland?
How much does painting radiators cost in Switzerland?
How much does it cost to repaint a facade in Switzerland?
How much does painting windows and doors cost in Switzerland?
How does Houzy find the best craftsmen in my region?
How does Houzy guarantee the quality of the craftsmen in my region?
How do I decide on the best craftsman for my project?
How much does Houzy earn on my craftsman order?

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