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We only work with a maximum of 3 companies per region who have convinced us with their work and who offer fair value for money.


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Tilers are specialists in wall and floor coverings

Tilers are specialists in wall and floor coverings

Tilers lay, grout or repair ceramic tiles, artificial stone and natural stone. Especially in the bathroom, in the garden, in the kitchen or in the living area. Our certified tilers are proficient in all techniques: square cross joints, rectangular cross joints, diagonal, staggered (1:2 offset), continuous and compound (1:3 offset). If you are unsure whether ceramic or natural stone is more suitable or how to lay slabs and stones sensibly, your tiler will be happy to advise you.

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Your satisfaction is our top priority! If an order is not completed to your satisfaction, the request will be reviewed by us.

Natural stone in kitchen and bathroom

Natural stone is scratch-resistant, practical and robust, properly maintained it lasts forever and is easy to clean. You just need to wipe dirty natural stone slabs with a damp cloth, because nothing sticks. That's why granite, limestone and quartzite are so popular in kitchens and bathrooms. Then, as no two stones are alike, you can customize your kitchen or bathroom with natural stone, depending on the color, pattern or shading. Besides, natural stone is timeless and independent of trends.

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Natural stone in kitchen and bathroom
Ceramics for floors and walls

Ceramics for floors and walls

Ceramics come in many varieties: Porcelain stoneware for floors, glass mosaic for floors or walls, artificial stone for floors, earthenware for walls, and stoneware for floors. All except earthenware and stoneware are weatherproof and suitable for indoors and outdoors. Ceramic lasts long and is highly durable, colorfast, fireproof, dimensionally stable, odorless as well as hygienic. With ceramic tiles you can change the character of the rooms and give a personal touch to the bathroom, garden or kitchen.

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Costs for a professional tiler

It depends on the material and effort. Natural stone (50 to 500 Swiss francs or more per m2) costs more than ceramic (25 to 200 Swiss francs or more per m2) and is more costly to lay than ceramic tiles because each stone is cut to fit precisely. Labor costs - planning the project, checking and preparing the surface, applying grout, laying and grouting the stones or slabs - also include travel time. That's why it pays to hire a tiler from your region. Find out more in our article "Costs for Tilers and Prices for Tiling Work".

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Costs for a professional tiler

Quality & regionality with our certified craftsmen

How do I choose the right craftsman?

How much does it cost to lay 1 m2 of slabs?
How much does a tiler cost per m2?
What kind of work does a tiler do?
How much does it cost to lay 1 m2 of natural stone?
How much does it cost to lay 1 m2 of porcelain stoneware?
How much does it cost to lay 1 m2 of ceramics?
How does Houzy find the best craftsmen in my region?
How does Houzy guarantee the quality of the craftsmen in my region?
How do I decide on the best craftsman for my project?
How much does Houzy earn on my craftsman order?

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