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The right craftsmen for your winter garden

The right craftsmen for your winter garden

In the construction of winter gardens, depending on the development and material, some craftsmen are involved. For example wood experts or metal workers, window & door construction experts and electricians. As a rule, one of them plans and coordinates the winter garden and all the work, such as laying the foundation, building the winter garden, laying power lines, laying the floor and installing heating. Important to know: All structures that are permanently connected to the ground require a permit. This also applies to your new winter garden.

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Winter garden made of wood, metal and plastic

Wood insulates well and is environmentally friendly, but susceptible to moisture. Therefore, wood should be regularly maintained. Plastic is suitable for small winter gardens, is low-maintenance and easy to clean. Aluminum is weather resistant and very robust and is suitable for large winter gardens. In addition, aluminum requires little maintenance. Steel is very durable and is sometimes used as an alternative to matte aluminum, but must first be hot dip galvanized or galvanized because of its susceptibility to corrosion.

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Winter garden made of wood, metal and plastic
Heated or unheated winter garden?

Heated or unheated winter garden?

A warm winter garden is an additional living space. It is heated to 15-20 degrees in winter and can be used as a dining room, home office or living room all year round. Since the room is heated, the winter garden must meet higher requirements for glazing and sealing. A cold winter garden looks particularly light and transparent because of the frameless and mobile glass walls with aluminum profiles. It protects from wind and weather in summer, but is unheated. Therefore, you can use it in winter only as long as the sun shines longer.

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Costs for a winter garden

For most winter gardens it is necessary to lay a foundation. They need glazing, at least one sliding door, a sunshade and, if necessary, a railing. A small winter garden with a foundation, but without extras, costs at least 20,000 CHF. The foundation alone for 15 square meters of area costs about 6,000 CHF. Per square meter of glass area you should expect at least 1'200 CHF. In addition, there are the costs for sliding door(s), sun protection and control system. The price scale is open at the top. You can learn more in our article “Planning a Winter Garden: Location, Material, Glazing and Cost”.

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Costs for a winter garden

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